How do I benchmark a tenant space?

  • Updated

If you are benchmarking a tenant space within a building:

  1. On the "Add Property" page, select that your property is "part of a building"
  2. Enter the Gross Floor Area (GFA) as your “Usable Square Feet.” Usable square feet include the specific area the tenant occupies to do business. Usable square feet are not the same as “Rentable” square feet, which includes your portion of the building’s common area.
    • For a partial-floor lease, the Usable Square Feet is the wall-to-wall square footage of the space, including tenant-only restrooms, storage areas and closets. You do not include common areas outside of the tenant suite such as lobbies, public restrooms, hallways and stairwells.
    • For a full-floor lease, the Usable Square Feet extends to everything inside the boundaries of the building floor, minus stairwells and elevator shafts. Here, it includes common areas that are used on that floor only such as hallways, public restrooms serving that floor, reception areas and electrical rooms.
  3. Enter the Property Use Details just for your tenant space. For example, the Number of Workers is the number of people working in the tenant space only, not the entire building.


  • A tenant space can include all of spaces within a single building leased by a specific tenant, even if the space is not contiguous (for example, if a tenant leases floors 2, 3, and 6, all three leased floors could be entered as a single tenant space.

For more information, see our How to Benchmark a Tenant Space Guide.

If you're interested in seeking Tenant Space recognition, please visit the ENERGY STAR Tenant Space homepage. 

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