What changes were made to Portfolio Manager web services as part of the 20.0 release in February 2023?

The Beta release of the Portfolio Manager web services 20.0 schemas was December 12, 2022.
The Live release was February 13, 2023. During the interim period, the web services TEST environment was running 20.0 while the LIVE environment was running 19.0.

The schema release webinar was December 13, 2022.

Enhancements for the 20.0 Live Release on February 13, 2023
  • New ability to create and generate custom reports via API
    • API support was introduced for creating/updating custom reporting templates and generating reports using these templates.
    • A new asynchronous process allows API users to extract up to 50 metrics for up to 5,000 properties at a time. This creates an additional method to request metrics beyond the existing, synchronous "Get Metrics" call (which is limited to 10 metrics per property, 1 property at a time).
    • Later in 2023, additional API calls will be released to allow web service providers to generate “Standard Reports” and to respond to published Data Requests on behalf of customers/clients. This will bring the web services API reporting functionality in line with the Portfolio Manager user interface.
  • Updates to web service metric names
    • The existing metric that provides a list of all property uses defined for a property record (“listOfAllPropertyUseTypesAtProperty”) was updated/renamed to include the Gross Floor Area associated with each property use type (“listOfAllPropertyUseTypesAtPropertyAndGFA").
      • Content returned for this renamed metric will be updated as follows:
        • Example Old Metric Value: “Office, Wholesale Club/Supercenter"
        • Example New Metric Value: “Office (5000), Wholesale Club/Supercenter (23000)
    • All metrics referencing “Total” or “Indirect” GHG emissions will be renamed to specify that Portfolio Manager is using a “Location-Based” approach to calculate Indirect Emissions.
      • This update clarifies that the existing GHG metrics offered within Portfolio Manager are "Location-Based" metrics. This was the first step towards the eventual inclusion of “Market-Based” Indirect GHG Emissions calculations in Portfolio Manager.
Metric GroupNew User Interface Metric NameNew Web Services Metric Name
Greenhouse Gas EmissionsTotal (Location-Based) GHG EmissionstotalLocationBasedGHGEmissions
Greenhouse Gas EmissionsTotal (Location-Based) GHG Emissions Intensity totalLocationBasedGHGEmissionsIntensity
Greenhouse Gas EmissionsIndirect (Location-Based) GHG EmissionsindirectLocationBasedGHGEmissions
Greenhouse Gas EmissionsIndirect (Location-Based) GHG Emissions Intensity indirectLocationBasedGHGEmissionsIntensity
Greenhouse Gas EmissionsNational Median Total (Location-Based) GHG EmissionsmedianTotalLocationBasedGHGEmissions
Greenhouse Gas EmissionsCanadian Regional Median Total (Location-Based) GHG EmissionscanadianRegionalMedianTotalLocationBasedGHGEmissions
Greenhouse Gas EmissionsCanadian Regional Median Total (Location-Based) GHG Emissions Intensity canadianRegionalMedianTotalLocationBasedGHGEmissionsIntensity
Greenhouse Gas EmissionsEmissions RateFactor (Location-Based) – Electricity/eGRID egridOutputEmissionsRate    emissionsFactorLocationBasedElectricity
Target MetricsTarget Total (Location-Based) GHG EmissionstargetTotalLocationBasedGHGEmissions
Target MetricsTarget Total (Location-Based) GHG Emissions Intensity targetTotalLocationBasedGHGEmissionsIntensity
Property DesignDesign Total (Location-Based) GHG EmissionsdesignTotalLocationBasedGHGEmissions
Property DesignDesign Total (Location-Based) GHG Emissions Intensity designTotalLocationBasedGHGEmissionsIntensity
Property DesignDesign Indirect (Location-Based) GHG EmissionsdesignIndirectLocationBasedGHGEmissions
Target MetricsDesign Target Total (Location-Based) GHG EmissionsdesignTargetTotalLocationBasedGHGEmissions
Target MetricsDesign Target Total (Location-Based) GHG Emissions Intensity designTargetTotalLocationBasedGHGEmissionsIntensity
Property InformationList of All Property Use Types at Property (GFA)listOfAllPropertyUseTypesAtPropertyAndGFA
  • New functionality to track electric vehicle charging
    • New inputs are created to track EV charging at a property.
    • In the future, these inputs will be used to calculate estimated energy usage associated with EV charging, so that this usage can be deducted from the property’s total energy consumption when EV charging is not separately metered (similar to the current method for benchmarking Swimming Pools and Parking areas).


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