The Beta release was December 10, 2023. The Live release was February 25, 2024.
Enhancements for the 22.0 Live Release:
New Library score model for Canadian buildings
Score Updates
- U.S. library properties remain ineligible to receive the 1-100 score.
- New Canadian scores are available for properties containing a "Library" property use type.
New Use Details
Percent Cooled
- Web services name: percentCooled.
Percent Heated
- Web services name: percentHeated.
Percent Cooled
Existing "Library" property uses were backfilled with default values:
Weekly Operating Hours
- Backfilled with default value of 65.
Number of Workers on Main Shift
- Backfill based on a default density of 2.2 workers for every 1,000 square feet of entered gross floor area.
Percent That Can Be Heated
- Backfilled with default value of 100.
Percent That Can Be Cooled
- Backfilled with default value of 100.
Weekly Operating Hours
These services are impacted by these use detail changes:
- POST /property/(propertyId)/propertyUse
- GET /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)
- POST /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/useDetails
- GET /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/useDetailsRevisions
- PUT/GET /useDetails/(useDetailsId)
- GET /idHierarchy/useDetails/(useDetailId)
- PUT/GET /property/(propertyId)/design
- POST /targetFinder
New Use Detail Metrics are available via the Get-Use-Details-Metrics web service:
- libraryPercentThatCanBeCooled
- libraryPercentThatCanBeHeated
Score Updates
New Museum score model for Canadian buildings
Score Updates
- U.S. museum properties remain ineligible to receive the 1-100 score.
- New Canadian scores are available for properties containing a "Museum" property use type.
New Use Details
Precision Controls for Temperature and Humidity
- Web services name: precisionControlsForTemperatureAndHumidity
Gross Floor Area That Is Exhibit Space
- Web services name: grossFloorAreaThatIsExhibitSpace
Percent Cooled
- Web services name: percentCooled
Percent Heated
- Web services name: percentHeated
Precision Controls for Temperature and Humidity
Existing "Museum" property uses were backfilled with default values.
Number of Workers on Main Shift
- Backfill based on default density of 2.2 workers for every 1,000 square feet of entered gross floor area.
Precision Controls for Temperature and Humidity
- Backfilled with default value of "Yes."
Gross Floor Area that is Exhibit Space
- Backfill based on a default density of 500 square feet for every 1,000 square feet of entered gross floor area (i.e., 50%).
Percent That Can Be Heated
- Backfilled with default value of 100.
Percent That Can Be Cooled
- Backfilled with default value of 100.
Number of Workers on Main Shift
These services are impacted by these use detail changes:
- POST /property/(propertyId)/propertyUse
- GET /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)
- POST /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/useDetails
- GET /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/useDetailsRevisions
- PUT/GET /useDetails/(useDetailsId)
- GET /idHierarchy/useDetails/(useDetailId)
- PUT/GET /property/(propertyId)/design
- POST /targetFinder
New Use Detail Metrics are available via the Get-Use-Details-Metrics web service:
- museumPrecisionControlsForTemperatureAndHumidity
- museumGrossFloorAreaThatIsExhibitSpace
- museumPercentThatCanBeCooled
- museumPercentThatCanBeHeated
Score Updates
Enhancement to the "Download Custom Reports" API to better handle large reports
- Updates to GET /reports/(reportId)/download to return a ZIP file that contains a set of Excel or XML files.
- This behavior already exists in the user interface. For more information, see the Compressed and batched large Data Request download files bullet at: What enhancements were implemented in 2023? – Portfolio Manager
More detailed documentation for the various "Get What Changed" API calls
Additional information is provided to guide the use of the following calls, which can help users avoid placing unnecessary "Get Metrics" calls against properties for which no updates have been made and for which no new metrics are available.
- GET /customer/(customerId)/property/whatChanged
- GET /customer/(customerId)/propertyUse/whatChanged
- GET /customer/(customerId)/useDetails/whatChanged
- GET /customer/(customerId)/meter/whatChanged
- GET /property/(propertyId)/meter/whatChanged
- GET /customer/(customerId)/meter/consumptionData/whatChanged
- GET /customer/(customerId)/meter/wasteData/whatChanged
Additional information is provided to guide the use of the following calls, which can help users avoid placing unnecessary "Get Metrics" calls against properties for which no updates have been made and for which no new metrics are available.
Various changes to metrics that can be queried via API
Deprecated the "Net Emissions" metric as it is no longer being promoted as a meaningful metric for Greenhouse Gas Emissions or Green Power tracking.
- User interface name: Net Emissions
- Web services metric name: netEmissions
Updated API metric names used to extract calculated values for Custom Intensity Metrics.
Updates to existing web service metric names used in the Get-Metrics service:
- customMetric1Name -> customIntensityMetric1Name
- customMetric1Value -> customIntensityMetric1Value
- customMetric1Unit -> customIntensityMetric1Unit
- customMetric2Name -> customIntensityMetric2Name
- customMetric2Value -> customIntensityMetric2Value
- customMetric2Unit -> customIntensityMetric2Unit
Updates to existing web service metric names used in the Get-Metrics service:
Deprecated the "Net Emissions" metric as it is no longer being promoted as a meaningful metric for Greenhouse Gas Emissions or Green Power tracking.
New APIs for managing Custom Intensity Metrics
- Enable web service providers to manage Custom Intensity Metrics via API. This functionality has been available in the Portfolio Manager user interface only since June 6, 2023. The 22.0 release will provide consistency between the API and UI.
Enhance the Get Available Metrics List API to indicate whether a metric can be used to define a custom intensity metric.
- New XML Attribute: availableToCustomMetrics
Other important updates
New APIs allowing web service providers to respond to published Data Requests on behalf of their customers
- Available as of October 10, 2023.
- Builds upon the Custom Reporting APIs that were released in February 2023.
- Expected to broaden the scope of services that providers can offer via the web services API.
- More guidance available in the new Data Response API Guide.