Conversion of Gallons of Trash into Tons?

  • Updated

Portfolio Manager waste metrics in reports are in Tons. You can enter your waste in various units, and Portfolio Manager will convert the amount of waste from the units you've entered into tons for reporting.

The following conversion factors are used to calculate the amount of trash from the various possible units into a cubic yard. 

1 cubic yard =     1 gallon =  
0.764555 cubic meter   0.832674 gallon (UK)
201.974 liquid gallon (US)   3.78541 liter
173.57 dry gallon (US)      
168.179 gallon (UK)      
764.555 Liter      

For example, here are the steps to convert gallons into tons:

  1. Start with: 100,000 (dry) gallons of trash
  2. Convert to cubic yards: = 100,000 * (1/173.57) = 576.14
  3. Convert to pounds (1 cubic yard = 138 pounds): = 576.14 * 138 = 79,506.83
    1. See: What are the volume to weight conversion factors for waste?
  4. Convert to Tons: 79,506.83 / 2,000 = 39.75

Note: Trash is measured in dry gallons, not liquid gallons. If you do an internet search for: "convert 1 cubic year to gallons" you will get the results for a liquid gallon: 

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