You have two options to receive an ENERGY STAR score for a property with a parking:
Sub-meter your parking and exclude its energy and Gross Floor Area (GFA). *This is the recommended option because this will result in the the most accurate assessment of the building.
- Do not enter a Parking Property Use because you should not include the parking GFA
- Do not enter the energy for your parking
- If your parking energy is on your main meter, you will need to subtract the parking energy. See this FAQ for details.
- If your utility is updating your energy bills automatically in Portfolio Manager, be sure to confirm with them that your parking energy is not included.
Benchmark your parking with your building and include its energy and GFA.
- Include your Parking GFA in a separate "Parking" Property Use. Break out the GFA by each type of parking (Fully Enclosed, Partially Enclosed, and Open).
- Your parking energy (since its not sub-metered) will automatically be included in your metrics.
- Portfolio Manager will estimate the amount of energy your parking uses and subtract that out before calculating your score.
Notes on Parking Garages:
- If your parking garage is physically connected with your building and part of a single structure, then the parking (Fully or Partially Enclosed) cannot be more than 75% of the total Property GFA. For example, a property that is 100,000 square foot, with 80,000 sq ft Parking and 20,000 sq ft Office is considered a Parking Garage by EPA and is not permitted to earn ENERGY STAR certification. This limit does not apply to Open Parking Lots.
- If you are including your Parking energy and GFA, regardless of physical connection, the GFA of your Parking (Fully Enclosed and Partially Enclosed) cannot account be more than 50% of your total Property GFA or you will not be able to get a score.
- Do not include Parking GFA in your Self-reported Property GFA
- If your parking garage is not physically connected to your building, but rather is a separate structure then its considered a separate property and should be benchmarked separately.
Learn more:
- Parking Technical Reference: