Update Use Details - Common issues

  • Updated

There are two common mistakes when using the "Update Use Details" spreadsheet:

  1. The Update Use Details spreadsheet is only for ADDING NEW VALUES-- you can't edit or correct existing entries (at least not today). When a property is created using the Add Properties spreadsheet, "default" values are added for each use detail so you can start seeing metrics. Since you can't delete the default value and "correct" it with the actual value, you'll need to enter the the new/correct value as 1 day later.  
  2. If you edit anything within the solid black lines, then you need to fill in ALL the boxes within the solid black lines that are related to that update. For example, if you update Weekly Operating Hours, you also need to enter a value for the other 3 the Weekly Operating hour boxes, even if those values haven't changed.

If you still have problems, contact User Support, and attach a copy of your spreadsheet file.

See also:

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