- New “Vehicle Dealership” and “Vehicle Repair Services” score models for Canadian buildings
- Property Use Name Updates
- The property use previously called "Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Locksmith, etc.") were renamed to "Vehicle Repair Services."
- Score Updates
- U.S. “Vehicle Repair Services” properties remain ineligible to receive the 1-100 score.
- New Canadian scores will be available for properties containing "Vehicle Dealership” and “Vehicle Repair Services" property use types. These properties were updated with new Use Details:
- New Use Details
- Number of Paint Bays
- Web services name: numberOfPaintBays
- Number of Repair Bays
- Web services name: numberOfRepairBays
- Number of Paint Bays
- Existing “Vehicle Dealership” property uses will be backfilled with default values
- Number of Paint Bays
- Backfill with default value of 0.
- Number of Repair Bays
- Backfill based on a default density of 1 repair bay for every 1,000 square feet of entered gross floor area.
- Number of Paint Bays
- Existing “Vehicle Repair” property uses will be backfilled with default values
- Number of Paint Bays
- Backfill with default value of 0.
- Number of Repair Bays
- Backfill with a default value of 0.
- Number of Paint Bays
- The services noted below will be impacted by these use detail changes
- POST /property/(propertyId)/propertyUse
- GET /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)
- POST /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/useDetails
- GET /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/useDetailsRevisions
- PUT/GET /useDetails/(useDetailsId)
- GET /idHierarchy/useDetails/(useDetailId)
- PUT/GET /property/(propertyId)/design
- POST /targetFinder
- New Use Detail Metrics will be available via the Get-Use-Details-Metrics web service:
- vehicleDealershipNumberOfPaintBays
- vehicleDealershipNumberOfRepairBays
- vehicleDealershipRepairBaysDensity
- vehicleRepairServicesNumberOfPaintBays
- vehicleRepairServicesNumberOfRepairBays
- vehicleRepairServicesRepairBaysDensity
- vehicleRepairServicesPercentThatCanBeHeated
- vehicleRepairServicesPercentThatCanBeCooled
- Updates to existing web service metric names used in the Get-Use-Details-Metrics web service:
- repairServicesVehicleShoeLocksmithEtcGrossFloorArea à vehicleRepairServicesGrossFloorArea
- repairServicesVehicleShoeLocksmithEtcNumberOfComputers à vehicleRepairServicesNumberOfComputers
- repairServicesVehicleShoeLocksmithEtcNumberOfWorkersOnMainShift à vehicleRepairServicesNumberOfWorkersOnMainShift
- repairServicesVehicleShoeLocksmithEtcWeeklyOperatingHours à vehicleRepairServicesWeeklyOperatingHours
- repairServicesVehicleShoeLocksmithEtcWorkerDensity à vehicleRepairServicesWorkerDensity
- temporaryDataFlagRepairServicesVehicleShoeLocksmithEtc à temporaryDataFlagVehicleRepairServices
- designRepairServicesVehicleShoeLocksmithEtcGrossFloorArea à designVehicleRepairServicesGrossFloorArea
- Property Use Name Updates
- New “Fast Food Restaurant” and “Restaurant” score models for Canadian buildings
- Score Updates
- U.S. “Fast Food Restaurant” and “Restaurant” properties remain ineligible to receive the 1-100 score.
- New Canadian scores will be available for "Fast Food Restaurant” and/or “Restaurant" property types. These properties were updated.
- New Use Details
- Length of All Commercial Kitchen Hoods
- Web services name: lengthOfAllCommercialKitchenHoods
- Exterior Entrance to the Public
- Web services name: exteriorEntranceToThePublic
- Cooking Located On-site
- Web services name: cookingLocatedOnsite
- Percent That Can Be Cooled
- Web services name: percentCooled
- Percent That Can Be Heated
- Web Services name: percentHeated
- Length of All Commercial Kitchen Hoods
- Existing “Fast Food Restaurant” and “Restaurant” property uses will be backfilled with default values
- Number of Workers on Main Shift
- If no value exists, backfill based on a default density of 2.2 workers for every 1,000 square feet of entered gross floor area.
- Weekly Operating Hours
- If no value exists, backfill with a default value of 65.
- Length of All Commercial Kitchen Hoods
- Backfill based on a default density of 4.2 ft. of kitchen hoods for every 1,000 square feet of entered gross floor area.
- Exterior Entrance to the Public
- Backfill with default value of “Yes.”
- Cooking Located On-site
- Backfill with a default value of “yes.”
- Percent That Can Be Cooled
- Backfill with a default value of 100.
- Percent That Can Be Heated
- Backfill with a default value of 100.
- Number of Workers on Main Shift
- The services noted below will be impacted by these use detail changes:
- POST /property/(propertyId)/propertyUse
- GET /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)
- POST /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/useDetails
- GET /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/useDetailsRevisions
- PUT/GET /useDetails/(useDetailsId)
- GET /idHierarchy/useDetails/(useDetailId)
- PUT/GET /property/(propertyId)/design
- POST /targetFinder
- New Use Detail Metrics will be available via the Get-Use-Details-Metrics web service:
- fastFoodRestaurantLengthOfAllCommercialKitchenHoods
- fastFoodRestaurantCookingLocatedOnsite
- fastFoodRestaurantPercentThatCanBeCooled
- fastFoodRestaurantPercentThatCanBeHeated
- fastFoodRestaurantExteriorEntranceToThePublic
- restaurantPercentThatCanBeCooled
- restaurantPercentThatCanBeHeated
- restaurantExteriorEntranceToThePublic
- restaurantLengthOfAllCommercialKitchenHoods
- restaurantCookingLocatedOnsite
- restaurantPercentThatCanBeCooled
- restaurantPercentThatCanBeHeated
- restaurantExteriorEntranceToThePublic
- Score Updates
- New “Pre-school/Daycare” score model for Canadian buildings
- Score Updates
- U.S. “Pre-school/Daycare” properties remain ineligible to receive the 1-100 score.
- New Canadian scores are available for "Pre-school/Daycare” property types. These properties were updated:
- New Use Details
- Gross Floor Area Used for Food Preparation
- Web services name: grossFloorAreaUsedForFoodPreparation
- Percent That Can Be Heated
- Web services name: percentHeated
- Percent That Can Be Cooled
- Web services name: percentCooled
- This field will not be used in the calculation of the 1-100 score, but is being offered as an optional input in case users wish to track this value.
- Gross Floor Area Used for Food Preparation
- Existing “Pre-school/Daycare” property uses will be backfilled with default values
- Weekly Operating Hours
- Backfill with default value of 65.
- Number of Workers on Main Shift
- Backfill based on a default density of 2.3 workers for every 1,000 square feet of entered gross floor area.
- Gross Floor Area Used for Food Preparation
- Backfill with default value of 0.
- Percent That Can Be Heated
- Backfill with default value of 100.
- Weekly Operating Hours
- The services noted below will be impacted by these use detail changes
- POST /property/(propertyId)/propertyUse
- GET /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)
- POST /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/useDetails
- GET /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/useDetailsRevisions
- PUT/GET /useDetails/(useDetailsId)
- GET /idHierarchy/useDetails/(useDetailId)
- PUT/GET /property/(propertyId)/design
- POST /targetFinder
- New Use Detail Metrics will be available via the Get-Use-Detail-Metrics web service:
- preschoolDaycareGrossFloorAreaUsedForFoodPreparation
- preschoolDaycarePercentThatCanBeCooled
- preschoolDaycarePercentThatCanBeHeated
- Score Updates
- Updates to use details for the “Manufacturing/Industrial Plant” property type in the U.S. and Canada.
- Score Updates
- No score updates.
- U.S. and Canadian “Manufacturing/Industrial Plant” properties remain ineligible to receive the 1-100 score.
- New Use Details
- Plant Type
- Web services name: plantType
- Existing “Manufacturing/Industrial Plant” property uses were backfilleded with default values:
- Plant Type
- Backfill with default value based on a designated plant type for a selected set of property uses; otherwise, backfill with a default value of “Other – Select You Plant Type”
- Plant Type
- Plant Type
- The services noted below will be impacted by these use detail changes
- POST /property/(propertyId)/propertyUse
- GET /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)
- POST /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/useDetails
- GET /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/useDetailsRevisions
- PUT/GET /useDetails/(useDetailsId)
- GET /idHierarchy/useDetails/(useDetailId)
- PUT/GET /property/(propertyId)/design
- POST /targetFinder
- New Use Detail Metrics will be available via the Get-Use-Detail-Metrics web service:
- manufacturingIndustrialPlantPlantType
- Score Updates
- Updates to the following web services to change the international weather station identifier from numeric to alphanumeric
- Property Services
- PUT /property/(propertyId)/internationalWeatherStation/(internationalWeatherStationId)
- GET /property/internationalWeatherStation/list?page=(page)&country=(country)
- Target Finder
- POST /targetFinder?measurementSystem=(measurementSystem)
- Property Services
- New APIs for Enhanced Green Power Tracking
- Allows you to enter information about your Green Power purchases at the property or meter level (previously, this information was entered for each meter consumption record).
- Users can provide specific details about Green Power purchases over time (e.g., the property owns the RECs for Onsite Green Power Generated and Used Onsite since 2020); then, Portfolio Manager will automatically apply this information to the designated green power meter entries.
- Offsite Green Power
- Will now be tracked at the property level or the meter level, instead of the meter consumption level.
- Existing Offsite Green Power data will be converted by aggregating it up from the meter consumption level to the property level. See:
- The following information will be required to enter Offsite Green Power (for more details, see: New: What information is required for entering offsite green power?
- Attestation that you own the RECs and have retired them (or that the RECs were retired on your behalf);
- Date range that the green power covers;
- Relevant electric meters;
- Amount of Offsite Green Power (actual purchased quantity or percentage of specified meter’s consumption);
- Estimated Values – Offsite Green Power;
- Green Power – Generation Location (required field, but it is possible to indicate a value of “Unknown”);
- Green Power – Type (required field, but it is possible to indicate a value of “Unknown”); and
- Green Power – Green-e Certification.
- These are the additional optional fields that can be tracked for Offsite Green Power
- Notes
- Green Power Provider/Project Owner
- Generation Facility Name
- Generation Facility Commercial Operation Date
- Fuel Source(s)
- Contract Start/End Dates
- Cost
- Rated Capacity of Project/Offtake
- Renewable Generation Technology
- Onsite Green Power
- Disposition of RECs associated with onsite generation (e.g., Owned, Sold, Arbitraged) will now be tracked at the level of the meter object that is designated for “onsite renewable electricity.” This is an update from the previous functionality, where this information was required for every consumption data record.
- Existing Onsite Green Power consumption data will continue to be tracked at the meter level.
- Updates to Onsite Green Power information fields.
- Additional optional information can be tracked about the onsite renewable system
- Notes
- Project Name
- Renewable Generation Technology
- Rated Capacity of Project/Offtake
- Commercial Operation Date
- Number of Inverters
- Number of Solar Panels
- Total Cost of Project
- Amount of Incentives or Rebates
- Estimated Cost Savings
- Additional optional information can be tracked about the onsite renewable system
- New Web Services Associated with Green Power
- There will be a total of 13 new Green Power web service calls.
- These 5 web services are specifically associated with Offsite Green Power:
- GET /offsiteGreenPowerPurchases/(id)
- PUT /offsiteGreenPowerPurchases/(id)
- DELETE /offsiteGreenPowerPurchases/(id)
- GET /property/(propertyId)/offsiteGreenPowerPurchases
- POST /property/(propertyId)/offsiteGreenPowerPurchases
- These 5 web services are specifically associated with Onsite Green Power:
- GET /meter/(meterId)/onsiteRenewableDetails
- POST /meter/(meterId)/onsiteRenewableDetails
- GET /onsiteRenewableDetails/(id)
- PUT /onsiteRenewableDetails/(id)
- DELETE /onsiteRenewableDetails/(id)
- These 3 web services are specifically associated with the new optional fields for Onsite Green Power:
- GET /meter/(meterId)/onsiteRenewableOptionalInfo
- POST /meter/(meterId)/onsiteRenewableOptionalInfo
- PUT /meter/(meterId)/onsiteRenewableOptionalInfo
- These 5 web services are specifically associated with Offsite Green Power:
- There will be a total of 13 new Green Power web service calls.
- Green Power Metrics
- Note: there are only 6 new Green Power metrics being introduced. Because properties can use multiple types of “green power” (e.g., a utility green power product that constitutes 50% of a property’s purchased electricity and 10 MWh of unbundled RECs applied to the property), the new metrics will be returned in comma-delimited format with all relevant Green Power values for the time period.
- The following new metrics will be available.
- estimatedValuesGreenPowerOffSite
- greenPowerType
- greenPowerGreeneCertification
- greenPowerGenerationLocation
- greenPowerGenerationLocationPostalCode
- greenPowerGenerationLocationEgridSubregionProvince
- The following existing metrics will still be available.
- recsRetained
- greenPowerOnSite
- greenPowerOffSite
- avoidEmissionsOffSiteGeenPower
- avoidEmissionsOnSiteGeenPower
- avoidEmissionsOnSiteAndOffSiteGeenPower
Enhancements for the Portfolio Manager web services 23.0 Live release on August 26, 2024 (not available as part of the Beta release on July 1, 2024)
- Annual Updates to Factors and Reference Data
- EPA implemented annual updates to key factors and reference data underlying Portfolio Manager, which include the following:
- GHG Emissions Factors for plant-specific and regional electricity based on eGRID 2022 data (www.epa.gov/egrid).
- Default fuel cost data (as used in Target Finder and Design services).
- Default fuel mix (as used in Target Finder and Design services).
- All updates will be documented in the corresponding Technical Reference Documents, available at https://portfoliomanager.energystar.gov/pm/help.
- EPA implemented annual updates to key factors and reference data underlying Portfolio Manager, which include the following:
Miscellaneous Release Items for 2024 (specific dates TBD)
- New Portfolio Manager TEST user interface (UI) to accompany the Portfolio Manager TEST API environment. Anticipated December 2024.
- Historically, there has been no TEST UI corresponding to the TEST API environment. Because of this, certain provider actions (including querying for and processing incoming connections/shares) rely on TEST-only simulated calls and therefore cannot replicate the full process flow that customers and providers will experience in the LIVE/production environment.
- The introduction of a new TEST UI will provide a front-end user interface for the TEST Web Services environment, allow providers to see and test the connection and sharing process from the standpoint of their customers, streamline development and integration of Web Services, and facilitate end-to-end testing.
- The introduction of a TEST UI will also make it easier for web service providers to conduct ongoing development/enhancement and QA activities in the TEST environment, rather than performing these tasks in the LIVE environment.